Monday, July 25, 2011

Not Sam I Am

The company where I work is what I would consider a fun company. Not that the work is fun. It is technically challenging but it is still work. The people are what make my job fun. The people I work with are the kind of people that I don't mind spending time with outside of the office. The last place I worked it was nearly the opposite with one or two exceptions, when the work day was over I was out of there and didn't want to see them until the next work day.

We have a couple of unique features to our group of coworkers. One such feature is "Beer Friday." I think the name says it all. Some of us go out to drink some beer after work on Friday to wind down after a long week. We also have "Bucket Wednesdays" at a local restaurant/bar that we sometimes partake in. We also have the not as popular "Bucket Tuesday" with the same deal at a different restaurant/bar. Not wanting to leave anyone out, we also have Beer Monday or Beer Thursday if they are warranted.

Most of our get togethers revolve around alcohol in some form. There are also some fitness nerds in the group, myself included, and we run, bike, and sometimes swim together.

None of these events are mandatory and if someone cannot attend one, they will just wait and go to the next one.

Since we are kind of a tightly knit group, we sometimes play pranks on each other. It could be as simple as taking the wheels off the bottom of an office chair or unplugging the monitor from the computer's docking station.  You know, fun stuff like that.

So a couple days ago one of my co-workers comes up to me with a question. First, a little background about my coworker. He is a chemist and does some of our in-depth chemical analysis and formulation work. He is good at chemical analysis and experimentation. So as a result he works on random projects for us. Since I like to give my coworkers anonymity when I write about them I will give him a nickname. Since he works on random stuff I like "Odd Job" but also since I am a big fan of Austin Powers I will call him "Random Task."

Random Task comes to me a couple of days ago and he can barely contain himself for laughing. It takes 2-3 minutes amid fits of laughter to finally get him to ask me the question he is dying to ask me:

"Are you pretending to be a 23 year old girl named Kesha and messing with me via text message?"

While this sounds like something I might do, I have to admit it is not me. Although this gives me a good idea for a future prank...

Since Random Task has an iPhone, I talked him into sending the transcript of the text conversation to me. Here it is doctored to leave all coworkers' names out:


OK. I have questions.

  1. How is 1134 code for Kesha? Is that her room number in the apartment complex. Is that the room at the hourly motel that Sam and Kesha were planning on having their nooner?
  2. What is "g t n a r"? 
  3. Why does Kesha not ask Mason for the correct phone number? It turns out that Random Task starts receiving texts from Mason too but sadly at the time of this writing there was no humor there. 
  4. Why do we have time for a random string of texts when a simple call would be much more entertaining? Of course then there would not be a record of it...

What can we come up with for g t n a r?

  • Good Times Ninja Assassin Registry
  • Goofy Thistle Nigerian Alabaster Ringtone
  • Ghost Turds, Not Ass Related
  • Grover Twiddlebugs Noodle Alice Rosita
  • Grune Tygra Nayda Amok Ratar-o
  • Grant Taft Nixon Arthur Reagan
  • Grubozaboyschikov Trigger No Auric Rosa
Bonus points to whoever can come up with something better and tell me what the last four are. Be specific. 

Donuts are at stake...

1 comment:

  1. I think the G T N A R has a different meaning, what I have come up with was....Get There Now Ass Ranger!
