Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What Were You Cooking?

My brother stayed at my Grandparrents house for a few months after my grandparrents both passed away. He was staying there to look after the house and grounds. It is a farm house and the grounds contain a lot of buildings complete with farm machinery, tools, etc...

The house is also a good distance away from neighbors.

I go over to visit and find this sitting on the stove. At one time I think it was an old frying pan. I wonder if the smoke alarm in the background was taken down during the cooking episode that damaged this frying pan?

Remind me not to let my brother cook for me...


The Chief and I recently visited Red Hat Jef and family in Florida. Normally the way these trip work is that I drive my car down and a day or two later I use frequent flier miles and fly the Chief down. She doesn't get as much vacation as I do and she doesn't like to drive or ride in the car for the 12-ish hour drive.

The last time she drove to Florida was shortly after we were married. The trip was with my mom, dad, grandma and grandpa. We drove two cars down. Dad drove one and I drove the other. It just so happens on this trip that the Chief starts feeling sick. What works for being sick? A lot of NyQuil. She slept the entire trip to Florida in the back seat of mom and dad's car while I drove grandma and grandpa. When she would wake up she would take some more medicine, drink some juice to get the taste out of her mouth, then go back to sleep. She missed Dad's detour through downtown Atlanta where he took and exit that he was not supposed to take. It was a very peaceful trip for her.

That trip was not as bad as it sounds. We visited my grandpa's sister and she had a large house with a guest apartment. She let us use the guest room so we could have some privacy. That was nice. It was definitely better than sleeping on the sofa...

That was also the trip where the Chief pierced her belly button...

Anyway back to travelling with the Chief... We visit for a few days then I fly her back and I hit the road for the drive. I normally leave early and Red Hat Jef is nice enough to take the Chief to the airport since it is in the opposite direction as home.

This trip RHJ had to leave early for a trip so he could not take the Chief to the airport. OK, no problem. I go ahead and take her to the airport. While we are on the way the Chief says, "How far out of the way is the airport for you?" I answer that it will take me about an extra two hours of driving. She says something on the order of, "Forget that, lets just drive home." I ask repeatedly if she is sure and I am assured that it will be fine. I ask, "Are you doing the girl thing?..."

She wasn't. So we drove home together. She didn't drive any, which is fine since I didn't plan on having company for the trip. It was very nice. We were able to use her smart phone and find restaurants and see how traffic is moving. All in all it was a very nice trip.

But before we even left RHJ's hometown, let alone Florida, we see this jem...

I love it as much as the next guy. But the driver was a girl.

I love Florida!!!


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