Saturday, March 24, 2012

"Here's Your Sign..."

This trip to Germany is winding down. We finished early and are heading home on Sunday. We would have liked to return on Saturday but it was cost prohibitive (greater than $1000) to change the flights to Saturday. Plus, the flight schedule changes on Saturdays so we would not be able to have the same flights and would have caused a 7 hour layover in Atlanta. Not that I don't love the airport in Atlanta, but I could drive home from Atlanta faster than a 7 hour layover and a 75 minute flight.

On Saturday of the trip we did not do anything work related. We drove around the countryside and stopped at a couple towns. We viewed a castle (we didn't take the tour) and looked in a couple of churches. You can see some of the results below.

It is Sigmaringen Castle and the church is next to the castle. The original castle was built sometime before 1077 according to this article.

After visiting the castle, it was time to eat. What else should you eat in Germany but a brat and beer from a roadside stand. While we were eating it started raining fairly steady and the wind picked up a little making it not as comfortable. We decided to go back to the hotel and sit in the dry restaurant and have some beer and maybe some food after a while.

On Friday night after work we went to an Italian restaurant for dinner. We had a variety of appetizers which was enough for a meal. We followed it with a pizza, each. The pizzas are similar in size to a medium pizza in the USA. I ate half of my pizza and took the rest back to the hotel in a box for breakfast the next morning.

Saturday morning I was scheduled to meet my colleagues at 9:30 so that gave me plenty of time to get up and run in the daylight. I got up at 7:15 and went to run. Since it was fully light my options were more open than on my other nightly wandering. The factory where we are working is about a mile from the hotel. It is down quite a large hill. So on my run, I thought it would be a good idea to run down to the factory and back. Once I made it down to the factory I thought it would be a good idea to run on down the bicycle path a little more. I was wanting my Garmin to hit 2 miles and then I was going to turn around. I made it to the next little town and turned around. Then I looked at the route in Google Earth. Here is the route:

I realized there was some hill climbing that I was going to be required to do on the way back. That is why I added an extra mile after the out and back to make the route 5 miles. The lowest elevation at the "out" section was 2184 feet. The elevation at the hotel is 2602 feet. My run gained 418 feet of elevation is a little less than a mile and a half, a little more than a 5% incline... my overall pace was just over 9 minutes per mile. After all the beer and German food this week, I think that is pretty good.

After the run I finished off the pizza from dinner on Friday. Then went to meet my colleagues. One asked me if I ran. I told them I did and where I ran. Here is that conversation:

     Colleague:        Where did you run this morning?

     TurkeyToad:    Down past the factory and down the next hill into the next

     Colleague:        Did you run all they way back up the hill?

     TurkeyToad:     Nope, I teleported!

My apologies to Bill Engvall ...


P.S. Saturday night / Sunday morning is the change to daylight savings time in Germany. We have a morning flight at 10:20 am but we need to leave the town at 6:15 am in order to have enough time. We will lose an hour during the night. If all three of us have problems with our alarm clocks it might not be pretty...


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