Thursday, May 31, 2012

I Think This Would Be Funny

I don't condone graffiti as a general rule. I have enjoyed seeing some defacement of some public signs, for example a STOP sign that says "Stop Incest" or "Stop... Hammertime." I did a quick google image search and here is one of my favorites:

When we visited Prague in the Czech Republic we noticed a lot of graffiti especially in public parks. I thought it looked pretty bad and tacky. I mean, have some respect for your city. Here is an example.

Sometimes graffiti makes me laugh. I like it when people misspell when making graffiti... For example, when I was on my first visit to Korea in 2007 I found some graffiti that I had to take a picture of. There were two instances only a few feet apart in a pedestrian tunnel under the highway.

I think I know what they were trying to say. I guess English is not their first language and depending on which accent it could sound like that...

One way to overcome the problem with spelling is to take the words out and only using pictures or diagrams. To illustrate this point, here is the second example from my trip to Korea.

I think I know what they mean here. It is obviously a steaming pile of Jabba the Hutt. I didn't realize Koreans were such huge fans of Star Wars.

I took this picture the other day because I think it would be funny to do this to one of the local public transportation buses.

Where would that bus take you?


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