Thursday, November 15, 2012

You are Not Qualified

The Chief and I have season tickets for the Indianapolis Colt's. We have had these tickets since 1996 or 1997 when Jim Harbaugh was the quarterback. We lived through Peyton Manning's horrible 3-13 first season as Colt's QB. We then watched in amazement when the following year they went 13-3 and made the playoffs and lost in the first round. It was still the playoffs...

Being a season ticket holder, the Colt's send us stuff. Every year we get a DVD of season highlights. The DVD for the 2011 season was very short... They also send us a Christmas card every year with a team photo. They also send us some cool stuff, like being able to call into a phone number and listen in to the team on draft day. That was pretty neat.

Since the NFL and the Colt's is a business they also like to have surveys filled out so they can "See how we are doing." I received one of these surveys last week. The email with the survey link said it would take approximately 15 minutes. I start answering the questions and after about 4 questions (and 2 minutes) this screen comes up:

I guess my opinion is not that valuable after all...


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