Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Merry Christmas Piles

The Chief and I went away for Christmas as we do on most years. We went to visit our families that live about 5 hours away in northern Indiana. We left after work on Friday December 21 and returned on Wednesday December 26. It appears that while we were gone, our three cats had some type of drunken party. I found no less than 8 yak piles. The largest measuring about 24 inches in length, and ironically outside the bathroom door. It looked like a cat tried to make it to the bathroom to hurl and came so close... At least on the bright side, it was on the tile floor and not carpet... most of the others were on the carpet. That is always fun. It looks like a campground in the living room with little paper towels over the cleaned up spots.

On a related note, a few days ago I was vacuuming the TV room and decided to move the couches to vacuum under them. That is something that we don't do very often. It had evidently been quite a long time since the couches had been moved, or maybe it was not very long... it is difficult to tell.

Let's see what is under couch number 1...

OK, let's itemize this hoard...
     6 milk jug rings
     2 striped catnip filled toys
     1 plastic fork missing part of a tine
     2 tubes of chapstick
     1 cat toy ball with a bell inside
     2 Chic-fil-a mints
     1 full sized snickers bar
     1 bendy straw
     1 hair tie
     1 twist tie
     1 aluminum foil ball
     1 stick

OK, on to couch number 2...
     2 milk jug rings
     2 striped catnip filled toys
     5 cat toy balls with bells inside
     1 piece aluminum foil
     1 cord/cable tie
     1 blue sharpie
     1 black ink pen
     1 catnip bird
     1 metal bottle cap
     1 plastic bottle cap
     2 pieces scrap paper
     1 wrapping paper cutter - we were missing this...
     1 screw to a computer case

To summarize...
     8 milk jug rings
     7 cat toys
     4 striped catnip filled toys
     2 writing implements
     a lot of miscellaneous junk
     1 full sized snickers bar
     1 stick

And I was wondering where all the cat toys went...

Have a Merry Christmas!!


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