Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Get Well Soon

My mom went in for hip replacement surgery on Monday. It is a very good thing because she has been having problems with her hips for a couple years. The only problem is that both of them are hurting her a lot. She had to pick which one hurts the worst and have it done first.

The surgery lasted a little more than two hours and the recovery for another hour or so. Dad was sitting in the recovery room waiting for mom to be brought back. When the nurse wheeled mom back into the room she says:

"Wow, is this your handsome husband waiting for you?"

Mom looks around the room and then at dad and says: "No."

I hope the Chief and I are as happy after 40+ years of marriage!

Mom made it through the operation without any complications and should go home on Thursday.

Get well, we love you and we will see you soon!!



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