Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Where to Go Number One

I consider myself to be a somewhat normal guy. The Chief might not necessarily agree with me. I am an engineer but I have been described by others as an extroverted engineer, wherein I stare at other people's shoes instead of my own. I really could care less what your shoes look like so don't stop by and show me...

As a result of being a guy, I am rather fond of a few normal guy things for instance:
  • Beer
  • Working with power tools (not with beer, normally)
  • The Chief's butt 
  • Chicken wings
  • Taking stuff apart to see how it works (otherwise known as breaking stuff)
  • Toilet humor
  • The Chief's butt
  • Beer
  • Riding at 235 kilometers/hour in the back seat of a BMW M5 
I consider the things above normal. Since I listed those items, I would like to concentrate the next few words to "Toilet Humor." Here goes...

Why do the urinals in Germany look a lot like cleavage? Please see the comparison below.

If you click on the picture it will enlarge... (the picture will enlarge).

I don't know the answer to my question either.

I did however go through some of my old pictures from a previous trip to Germany and I found this gem.

This explains a lot. It starts to explain some of the strangeness that is the German Urinal. Second it explains why the Germans are better than us at soccer. They can practice even when taking a leak...


P.S. I found the woman's picture here.


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