Monday, January 23, 2012

Out and About in Korea

Here are some pictures for us being out and about in Korea. These were taken with my camera so I can download them... unlike my phone...

Don’t lean up against the elevator doors. If you do gravity will instantly invert and you will be flipped, forced to run upside down with your feet dangling in the air and your head on the floor until your hair catches on fire. Don’t do it.

Our next entry comes from a restaurant:

Frid Chicken & Hof? What is Frid chicken? Is it chicken that has been in a redneck refrigerator? "Hey woman, go get the Chikn out the Frid!"

What is Hof? This is the Hof that I know of:

If you go to this place do you get to eat Frid's chicken and meet the Hof? Sign me up! It turns out that Hof is beer as in the German word Hofbrauhaus which is where they keep the beer... slightly better than my guess, maybe.


Different foods that I consumed on this trip:
  • Pickled plums – cured in salt for 6 months and tasted like nasty plums that have been in salt for 6 months
  • Teriyaki pizza with mayo – I normally like teriyaki chicken except it is a little salty. This version is not very good, a lot of salt. 
  • Cod fish egg pizza with mayo – this was surprisingly good. I went back for seconds on this 
  • Chicken with rice that smells like fish – it turned out the fish smell came from seaweed paper that was put into the bowl with the rice and chicken. 
  • Hoarse tartar – I still like it. 
  • Deep fried octopus and flower balls – These were a little scary at first. They were put on a plate with a garnish. I don’t know what the garnish was but it was very light and the heat coming off of the deep fried balls was causing the garnish to move. When they said octopus, I thought the octopus was still alive. It was not. It was hot enough to destroy your mouth. This was also pretty good. It wasn't fishy. And a lot of things deep fried are good 
  • Bacon wrapped grilled cherry tomatoes – this is good in theory but it actually tasted like feet 
  • "Tubes" - what are "tubes" you might ask? "Tubes" are pig intestine. At this restaurant there was also pig stomach. They were brought out raw and cooked Korean BBQ style at your table. They were seasoned and tasted pretty good. The "tubes" were chewy. 
Intestines, the other chewy meat.


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