Thursday, January 5, 2012


I had a very good Christmas and I hope you did too. I gave and received some cool gifts. There was indeed something to do with a squirrel... so it was a very good Christmas. On the down side our friends all got sick and we didn't get to visit over new years as is tradition we Pepe, Red Hat Jef and our families. Hopefully we will get to plan a spring visit somewhere warm...

I only have one present that I need to return and I talked my mom into doing that when they come down to visit for their annual migration to Arizona. One shirt was too small and the store is in Kokomo and since we were driving through on the day after Christmas, it was a zoo. Also, there is not one of this store within a 2 hour drive of our house.

Some things that did not make my original Christmas List, or the "Christmas - don't list" are below. You can decide which goes where...

I would really be concerned with this if I was both a tea drinker and a smoker. Also, gunpowder does not sound very tasty. Even if you go back to the starting ingredients: sulfur, charcoal and saltpetre, it still does not sound appetizing as either a food or a beverage.

This snake stand, with snake is something that if I did receive it for Christmas, I'm not sure if I would be able to return it unless the venom antidote came along with it. Or at least some really thick Kevlar gloves.

This looks like a very good product and it gets some good reviews both on BB&B and on However, when reading the instructions I now have some reservations. I don't want to screw any type of kitchen appliance, especially not if the appliance is cold. (you can click on the pictures to enlarge them)

On a side note. I found out how the get the Chief excited about using a vegetable tray. If you don't know what the Chief thinks about vegetables you should read this first. Here is how I got her excited about the vegetable serving tray.

I'm not even sure why we have this...


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