Friday, September 7, 2012

Cool, Can I Take It Apart?

Although I'm the engineer in the relationship. The Chief has some tendencies. Normally engineers take something apart to see how it works and then to put it back together, or perhaps to add some features. The Chief, takes stuff apart to, well... take stuff apart. A few things she/we have taken apart include:

1980's era big screen projection television
iPod classic
Multiple computers
A broken TiVo

I know there have been many other things but I can't remember what they are at the moment. However, the Chief's latest "Ooooh, can I take it apart" moment came over Labor Day weekend. I had given a piece of yard equpment to a friend who was good with small engine repair to tell me why it would no longer start. It is not a really big deal. I have had this particular piece of equipment for 10+ years. It turns out that repairing it would cost nearly as much as purchasing a new one. So it gets relegated to the trash bin.

Enter the Chief: "Can I take it apart? Can you get me some tools?"

So the Chief sits in a chair in the garage with an old towel in her lap, and proceeds to disassemble this device. You tell me what it is...

First hint.. here is the Chief sitting in the chair disassembling the device.

Next hint... the engine. Broken down as far as we could without some more specialized tools. I don't have a machine shop at my disposal.

Next hint... the engine plus the rest of the screws, bolts, fasteners.

A little more...

Here is all of it. If you can't get it now. I'm not going to tell you.

Good guess if you said it was a squirrel tail hair trimmer. That is why it has the long bent tube. The noise from the engine would cause the squirrel some distress, so it is moved further away from the trimming end.


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