Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I'm Sorry, That's Classified

Here is another story about Random Task, a former co-worker. Some background information on Random Task can be found here, and here, and here.

He was an odd duck and he no longer works at the same company as I do... so it is game on...

Random Task has some social oddities and seems to be uncomfortable in some social situations. He doesn't know how to start a conversation especially if he has a topic in mind. He won't say, "Hey, how's it going, I've got a question for you..." Instead, he would say something along the lines of:
"What do you know about trees?"
"How many push-ups can you do?"
"He does like girls, right?"
Here is the first conversation I had with him. It was at a company picnic.
Random Task: "How old are you?" 
TurkeyToad: "29"
Random Task: "And you are a manager right?"
TurkeyToad: "Yes, I have 3 guys reporting to me."
Random Task: "That's odd."
Some silence while I wait for him to continue. Since there are no signs that he is going to continue, I ask the only logical question...
TurkeyToad: "Why is that odd?"
Random Task: "Because you have to be at least 35 before you are a manager."
TurkeyToad:" Well, I'm 29."
End of conversation.

All of the above conversations actually happened...

At some point after the above conversations occurred. The Chief changed jobs from working at an insurance agency as the receptionist to working in HR in another local business. She worked at the insurance agency for about a year. During here time there, she was asked to go and sit for a portrait that would be put on the wall in the office next to the other members of the office staff. She is wearing a nice outfit, a business suit and the picture was really well done.

When she left the company, they offered to let her take the picture from the wall, rather than throw it away. The Chief did not really need a picture of herself, so I took it and put it in my office. The picture had been in my office for a couple weeks, when Random Task comes to my office and sits in one of the chairs. He then asks:
Random Task: Does your wife work for the CIA?
TurkeyToad: No... what?
Random Task: That picture looks very professional, like something they would do if you worked for the CIA.
TurkeyToad: Umm, OK. I'm not allowed to say anything else. Please go.
Here is the picture in question...

I had to edit the picture for your protection...


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