Friday, May 6, 2011

Running at Lunch

I like to run, bike and swim. During the work day sometimes I run during lunch. My office is not located in the best part of town. There are likely no tourists within a mile radius of my office, at least not on purpose. When running in this area there are some things that you should do or not do. They are:

  1. Always say "hello" to someone you are running up behind before you get right to them otherwise you might cause a heart attack or get stabbed.
  2. Don't run through the grass in people's yards. They hate that and you may step on a needle.
  3. If you smell ammonia or ether, stop and run the other direction as fast as you can.
  4. Always watch the sidewalk for broken glass, nails, abandoned cars, abandoned children, abandoned shopping carts, bear traps, etc...
As a result I do not wear headphones when I run around work. Sometimes I hear conversations and can say "Good morning" or "Good afternoon" to people sitting on their porches or walking. Sometimes I hear parts of conversations that I'm sure are taken way out of context. Once I heard the following from two people standing in their yard:

Woman: "... hey, I'm still pissed at you from yesterday."
Man: "Yeah, well you can suck my nipples."


  1. you forgot about not picking up hookers along the way

  2. I'm pretty sure I could not carry them...
