Friday, September 2, 2011

Gifts Part 2

I think the Chief gave me at least 12 of the t-shirts in the last post. She also gets me a lot of other cool/nerdy gifts. Most of them are random stuff but even though they are random, they are still a lot of fun, and since I am a bit nerdy, I really like them. The first example is a gift for my desk at work. It is a cow that craps jelly beans.

We had to do some work to make the video... for whatever reason the cow (who's name is Mosley) was constipated. Apparently my office got a little warm and probably humid because all the jelly beans were sticking together. Mosley's constipation was so bad we had to use a tooth pick to "work it out." If Mosley was a mathematician we would have used a pencil...

Another gift from the Chief was buckyballs. They are little magnet balls and they are a lot of fun. I first took them to work and after two or three hours of playing with them and not working I had to put them up. I have gotten over the novelty somewhat and now I only play with them when I'm on the phone or when I'm talking to someone who came in to visit me. They are also a distraction to people who sometimes come in and visit with me. Here is what they are shaped into now:

This was made by one of my friends. Even Mosley likes the buckyballs... at least he wasn't constipated.

The Chief also got me some "Office Monkeys" based on the series of commercials for Career Builder that aired around the Super Bowl a couple years ago. Since I have a lot of spare time at work, like when I'm in a daily conference call with morons (whoever said the customer is always right was probably the idiot you went to school with who tried to hump the football in gym class because the white laces excited them). During one such series of conference calls I did this:

Then a couple years later I was on a trip to Germany. While there I got to see AC/DC in concert and the show was great. They played for almost two hours and played all their hits and a few off their newest CD. Because I am a dork and I have some spare time, after returning to the office I made these:

Since I work in an office and we have management, affiliates, global partners and most importantly customers, sometimes there are some crazy ideas. They may not even come from management from time to time but they still exist. The Chief found a useful place to put all the craziness...

It is hanging on the wall of my office. There may or may not be stuff inside it.

I still think my favorite Chiefly gift came to me this past Christmas. It has absolutely no practical use that I can find. The instructions and packaging are in Japanese, and I do not speak Japanese or read it. It is a fun little novelty item. A picture of it will not do it justice. Here is a video of said gift. Notice the buckyballs in the background...

My computer will never be the same.


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