Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Gifts That Keep On Giving

Every year for the past few years my best friends Pepe, Red Hat Jef and I get each other presents for the Christmas holidays. The exchange usually occurs around New Years when the three of us and families try to get together at one of our homes.

The normal gift for each of us is a t-shirt with something funny on it. I don't feel like looking for all the links to  pictures of all the shirts. It's not that I couldn't do it its just that I've got other things to do instead of that. I thought about putting the shirts on and taking pictures of each one and making some type of montage for you but I don't feel like putting on and then taking off each of those shirts. So since I am a male of the species and I like looking at the females of the species, here are a lot of pictures of the Chief's chest (wearing each of the t-shirts... those other pictures are just for me...).

You can click on the pictures to make them larger - probably too large...

So Red Hat Jef and Pepe gave me a lot of shirts but the Chief started with the first shirt, "Don't Fart Near Open Flames."

One of the other things that we have done to each other is sign each other up for mail order information or funny magazines and other such things like that. I think the most recent incident was a trial subscription for Red Hat Jef for a magazine called Backyard Poultry. I filled out the form in one of the magazines and put RHJ's address on it and mailed it in. A month or so later they get a magazine. For the next couple months magazines continued to arrive. Then a bill arrived and they paid it... I felt bad and offered to pay it but they called and canceled and the check was returned or something like that. For the New Year's gift that year I decided to deviate from tradition and get them a book. This is the book I found for them - in hardcover...

After college Pepe and RHJ were both working in the same city and they were roommates. About this time I found a brochure for adopting a Chinese child. I signed up Pepe for this. After receiving numerous mailings eventually Pepe receives a call from a Chinese-baby-adopter-person. Pepe then has to explain that he is not interested in adopting a cat, let alone a child, and that there was some type of mix up.

Another time, Pepe and RHJ signed me up for something like Bed-wetter's Anonymous or something like that. It might have been either of these: link 1 or link 2. I received all kinds of literature about bed wetting and how to stop it. The brochures didn't stop until I moved... I guess they never received my forwarding address...

Now I need to go and change the sheets...

Stay tuned for Part 2...


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