Saturday, November 5, 2011

No Child Left Behind

When Pepe and I were finishing college and going through the interviews on campus, he found a job relatively early on as I mentioned here. The job was a continuation of an internship he had the previous summer. Pepe had a great new job, making much more money than he had ever made before. The first thing he does is get a new car. He gets a loan for a used car based on his job offer.

The car was a 1995 Chevy Camaro. It had a very powerful engine, especially compared to the stock engine. The car would get down and move. Add in the manual transmission and you have a beast of a car.

Pepe loves that car. So much so that he still has it. It is in good running condition due to his meticulous maintenance and pampering. I think that until he had children he used to carefully wash and polish the car using the finest Chinese silk... or maybe it was an old t-shirt.

There have been some issues with the car. One particular incident comes to mind. Pepe parked the car in his driveway. For reasons unknown to anyone except Murphy, the car pops out of gear. Pepe's driveway is sloped so the car rolls down the driveway into the road. Lucky for Pepe, the road is not a busily traveled road in their subdivision. It is also late winter/early spring so nobody is out and about.

The car did not stop at the road. It proceeded to roll across the road and down a slope and straight into a pond.

No geese were harmed.

A tow truck, replacing some interior carpet and replacing some rusted out floor boards and he still has a very fast car.


Here is another text I get from Pepe. He keeps giving me stuff to post.
I think the 'No Child Left Behind Act' was a secret ploy to make sure people flush after dropping the kids off at the pool
I think he is right.

Do your part to prevent floaters.


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