Sunday, October 30, 2011

Brazilian Holiday Cakes

Our friends from Brazil came to visit this past week. This was the first time the happy couple have visited together. Prior to the marriage the USA consulate, in their infinite wisdom, would not give Rafael's girlfriend / fiance a visa.

Anyway, the Chief and I have visited together with them in Brazil. We have even spent vacation time (in addition to when I was working) and went to the beach with them.

Whenever Rafael has visited the USA he has always brought gifts for us. This trip was no exception. One of the things we liked during our visit to the beach was one of the holiday cakes that you can purchase in the local grocery stores. I think they are available all over Brazil but I have not been all over Brazil to know that for certain, yet. They are nothing like fruit cake. This particular cake is chocolate chip.

They brought us one of these cakes! We are talking awesome!

The only bad thing about this cake is that once you open it you can sit and eat the entire cake if you are not careful.

I'm taking the rest into work tomorrow to share a little bit of the love...


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