Sunday, July 22, 2012

More Signs from Out and About

I only wanted to post 3 stories about our trip to Italy but I forgot one important picture that I took. A few posts ago I wrote about graffiti in a post titled "I Think This Would Be Funny." First I have to say that I do not condone graffiti and that I think that it is a waste of time, money and energy. Even though some of it makes me laugh.

When we were walking through Rome, there were a lot of advertisements for over prices clothing stores. Of course, I also think, no, I know that I am cheap, especially when it comes to clothing. I don't spend a lot of money on clothing. I have other expensive hobbies that I would much rather spend my money on.

Anyway, I though of my old post when I saw the advertisement. I also thought that it would be funny if there was some graffiti on said advertisement. So I thought I would take the liberty...

So for the rest of this post I will put up some of the pictures of random crap that I have found in my picture archive. They are all pictures that I have taken...

This first one is from Tokyo... where else could it be since it says on the sign... Don't do it!

These next two pictures are of a rental car the I rented to go on a day trip to a customer for work. It was a good thing there were only two of us going, it would be difficult to put someone in the backseat of the car.


On GM's website it says the Chevy Cruze seats 5 people. I don't know if this means Americans... my guess it is people who have been spotted on the back of approximately 1 in 5 cars on the road, particularly SUVs... these guys:

In case you were wondering... I drew that myself. I know, I should become a professional graphic designer. I'm at least as qualified as the people who make those stupid stickers.

Next we have a sign from a company. I have removed the name of the company because I'm a nice guy.

Note the restrictions on the bottom right hand corner of the sign, No Smoking, OK, that is normal, No naked lights? What was that? No naked lights. Naked light must be obscene. I think we should all put clothes on our lights to prevent accidents. Here is an example of how to do it:
If you or someone in your family is crafty, maybe you could make the clothes, or just perhaps use a tube sock.

Before I put up the next picture, I have to say something. I know that it must be an honor to have your name on the building, especially in recognition of great devotion and hard work towards a cause or business. For example, making partner in a law firm and having your name put on the sign out front. In some cases the name of the partner and the type of business in question should play a role in determining if your name should be up on the sign for everyone to see. I give you this:

I wonder if this conversation has ever taken place on the first meeting between doctor and patient?

Doctor: "Hello, Sandra, it is nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Fish."

Patient: "I bet you get this all the time... So your name is 'Fish' and you are a gynecologist. Isn't that ironic?"

Next time maybe they should go with initials...


P.S. Here is my new favorite 'demotivational' poster.


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