Sunday, August 5, 2012

Our Anniversary - Kind Of

A little more than a month ago the Chief and I celebrated an anniversary, 13 years. I know that is a long time for her to spend with me... and not have killed me for something. At least I have that going for me. I'm sure I have a lot of quirks, as does she. There were are few things that I thought the Chief did/does that I find a little strange.

The first thing is when we were driving. Specifically when I was driving and a light changes from green to yellow while we are in the intersection. She would hit the roof of the car with her hand when we went under the yellow light. If the light changed to red before we left the intersection she would not hit the roof. I don't know why she did this. Maybe it was for luck. Maybe it was to get ranch dressing on the interior roof of my car (she might fling stuff if she happened to be eating...). One day she stopped doing it becasue she said it was kind of silly.

Another thing she does is eat mayonaise or ranch dressing on everything, for example: French fries, cheese sticks, a spoon. This may not be strange to everyone, but it is strange to me. (I'm actually kidding about the spoon, I have never witnessed her doing that.)

The next thing she did, and still does, is take the paper straw wrappers and tie them in a knot. She then pulls really quickly and tries to pull through the knot. If the paper breaks and has a knot it is bad, if the paper breaks and there is no knot, then it is good. I think she told me that if there is no knot, that someone is thinking about you, the knot puller.

The last thing she does is sort her French fries. There are only certain types of FFs that are acceptable for the Chief to eat. First and foremost, they cannot have any potato skin on them. She will not order FFs at a restaurant where she knows has skin on the potatoes. She also will not get fries at Burger King. I think it is because they use a different type of oil for deep frying. She thinks it gives them a bad taste. She likes the fries at McDonalds, although she does not eat there very often. She also likes the fries from Steak and Shake. In fact we visited Steak and Shake yesterday and I was able to take an example picture.

I annotated each fry in the above picture and showed the reason for the exclusion. What usually happens is the sorted fries end up on my plate. I'm OK with that because I am not so picky when it comes to fries. I can also tell when she is starting to get full, then she becomes more discriminating with her fry selection.

So back to the anniversary, what to get the Chief for our anniversary. I decided to look at some web sites to see what traditional and contemporary gifts would be. I found this:

                   Traditional                Modern
12 years     Silk or Linen                Pearls
13 years          Lace                 Textiles or Furs
14 years          Ivory                  Gold Jewelry

None of that stuff sounds very good so I decided to ask the Chief what she would like for our anniversary. We had just returned from our trip to Italy so she said that she didn't need anything for our anniversary. The trip to Italy was more than enough present. That was an ok answer for me but I didn't like it. I still wanted to get her something. So our anniversary came and went and I didn't have anything to get her. She likewise did not get me anything for the same reason. I still was not happy with the situation of not getting her a gift, but it was driven out of my mind somewhat because of my extensive training.

Currently I am training for an Ironman at the end of August. The training is overlapping with training for the Evansville Half Marathon, which I will also do. I have talked the Chief into joining the Team 13 training for the half even though she says she will not do the final race. She is going to do the warm up races, a 10K and a 15K.

So why not get the Chief a present for our 13.1 year anniversary since I'm training for a half marathon and she is doing the Team 13 training. But what to get her?

Here is what I chose:

I have been saving these straw papers for 3+ years in my desk at work... and I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them.

She laughed for about 5 minutes when she opened the box and saw what was inside.


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