Thursday, August 30, 2012

Where is Your Breakfast From

OK, I will just come out and say it. I like breakfast burritos. I make them myself, and if I'm lazy I can get them via fast food restaurants. My favorite fast food BBs are from Chic-Fil-A either the regular chicken or the spicy chicken. The ones I eat the most are from McDonald's because there is a McDonald's on my way to work and it is very convenient. I also like the BBs from Hardees, but they are loaded up with cheese and sit much heavier on my stomach than the others.

The other day I got a couple burritos from McDonalds and I get to work and sit down to eat them. I eat the first burrito and all was well. I get to the second and see this...

The last time I check... burritos originated in Mexico or the American Southwest, not Asia.

I hope it isn't made with dog.


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