Thursday, September 13, 2012

Go Wash!

During my return home from Juarez, Mexico I am upgraded on the first flight to business class. It is a domestic flight and there is a meal. Since my flight left at 6:15 am I did not eat anything beforehand. I was expecting something tasty for breakfast on the plane. I was mistaken. Cheerios. Seriously, Cheerios? I don't eat cereal. For one, it is not on the Paleo Diet and second, I don't really care for it. Soggy crusty bread or twigs in milk, what is good about that. Plus almost all breakfast cereals have a bunch of vitamins and minerals added (they are listed in the "Ingredients" section on the nutrition label). Why would someone want to eat something that started out so unhealthy that it need to have all the vitamins and minerals added to it to make it healthy? You got me, I don't know. That isn't really the important part. I could rant about the crappy food we eat and are pushed to eat, but I won't, at least not now.

Regardless, I didn't eat the cereal. They did have some yogurt which is only marginally better and a bowl of fruit, which I ate gladly. When I arrived at my layover in Atlanta I got a cup of fruit and went to wait for my next plane.

The last plane was going home to Evansville, Indiana. It is an hour flight more or less and there is definitely no food, maybe some peanuts if you are lucky.

While I am talking about food, for lunch we ate in Juarez since crossing the border always comes with a long wait. We did not eat at the plant but we went out to eat. The first day we went to a Mexican buffet with a lot of traditional foods. The second day we went to a Chinese buffet, which was still cooked my Mexicans... just like in Evansville.

I overheard a lady talking on the phone while waiting for the Evansville flight. It turns out she was on the same flight, except Evansville was not her final destination. From Evansville she was flying to Detroit and then  back to Ft. Wayne, Indiana. I don't know why? Evansville does not have an area for connecting flights. She will probably have to go and get her bag and then check back in... She could have driven from Evansville in the time it takes to fly to Detroit, wait in Detroit and then fly back to Ft. Wayne. But what do I know, I'm only approaching 750,000 flown miles...

Anyway, the flight back to Evansville I am sitting next to a Japanese lady that does not speak much English. She also did not understand our flight attendant as she was based in the south and had a bit of a drawl. So there was no talking between me and the lady sitting next to me. I also noticed a smell emanating from her. I wasn't sure it was her at first. The flight attendant said all the passengers were on and that we could move to another seat if we wished. The two seats across the aisle were open, so I moved. The odor vanished immediately. Of course, then the two people came on board that were in the seats that I had squatted in. I looked everywhere and there were no other empty seats. I had to sit down next to Smelly. I was not sure if she actually smelled until I sat back down next to her. It hit me in the face like a flaming sack of dog poo. I opened my air vent and had it pointing straight at my face and it didn't help all that much.

So, to the lady sitting in 3A. Go wash!


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