Saturday, November 10, 2012


We all have quirks. I am sure that I have some things that I do that amuse or bug the Chief. She does some things that amuse me that I have never witnessed other people doing. I have talked about some of those things in other posts. A couple quick quirks: French Fry sorting, straw paper knot tying, car buying while I'm on a business trip... etc. Another one that I have noticed over the years is that when we go out to breakfast and there is toast as a side, the Chief always gets white toast. A normal breakfast consists of two full slices of toast cut diagonal into halves. The first piece she will normally eat all the toast. When she is nearly finished and starting to get full, she eats all of the toast except for the corner crust.

I asked the Chief if I have any quirks that she notices. The first one that she told me is that I line up the magnets on the refrigerator. All I have to say to that is "Who wouldn't line up the magnets. More will fit that way... duh." The second one she came up with is that I have an aversion to putting silverware into her lunch box. If I get up early enough, I will pack the Chief's lunch box, except for the utensils...

One other thing she swears by is a home remedy for the hiccups. You take a glass of water and bend over and drink it from the side of the glass farthest away from you. You are drinking the water upside down. I have witnessed her do this a number of times. The last time I saw it was while we were in the Bahamas with some friends. We were drinking and playing cards in our friend's hotel room. The Chief gets the hiccups and can't get rid of them. Next comes the drinking upside down...

I don't know if it works or not. I don't normally have to resort to such measures to rid myself of the hiccups.But the laughing in the semi-drunk group definitely prevented the rest of us from getting the hiccups.


Here is some food for thought...

Why is it that recording artists were very upset by the free file sharing of Napster, to the point they shut the site down? I don't recall seeing authors of books being upset that you can go to the Public Library and read their books for free. Then you can recommend it to a friend and they can read it for free too...


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