Sunday, March 3, 2013

Finally, A Mess Not Caused By Me

I started taking TRX classes at my gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The first couple weeks really kicked my butt, but after that it became doable. Not easy, but I can complete the two one hour long workouts every week and not be so sore the next morning that I have trouble getting out of bed. These classes are in the evenings from 5:30 to 6:30. I don't normally take classes in the evenings. I would prefer to get up early and have my workouts done before work. That leaves me time after work to hang out with the Chief. Since the only way I can persuade the Chief to get up early is if we are catching a flight to someplace warm and sunny. Since the Chief and I ride to work together a few days a week I thought she could go and walk or swim while I was doing the TRX class. She actually agreed to this. You can ask her...

The Chief has not been walking or swimming while I have been taking the class for the past eight weeks. She has not felt good enough and I understand not wanting to go to the gym when you are not feeling good. It is OK that she does not go, but just because she does not want to go does not mean that I am required to stay home with her. I go to the classes. When I am finished with class, I call and ask the Chief if she needs anything. I have picked up things for dinner, some ice cream, and some various items from the grocery store, etc.

On this particular Thursday night I called the Chief after class to see if she needed anything. She said "No" with a voice that clearly said something was wrong. She mumbled something about making a mess and cleaning it up but I couldn't understand what she was talking about. She mentioned something about popcorn and wanting butter to put on it.

First, we have an air popper. You can't put butter into an air popper or it will ruin it. So you either need to have a butter spray or melt some butter to put on after popping. She told me that I could pick up some butter spray. I guess that meant that she had a bit of an issue melting butter. So I understood the mess. When you make popcorn with the air popper it is difficult to not make a mess. At the end, the popcorn flies everywhere and sometimes one of the grains will pop after it has already made it to the bowl. I recently got a new camera that takes video and I have been looking for some things to take a video, and this sounds like as good a subject as any.

So that is the first part of the equation. The second part is the butter. You may think that the Chief does not need butter on her popcorn. You would be wrong. I made an example food pyramid for the Chief. It is just like a normal food pyramid, except I added a special section called "Condiments."

I know cheese is on there twice, but that is the way it is... cheese sauce, cheese in a can, etc. So we know that butter plays an important role in the Chief's diet. I could have also added a small corner in the meat section that would be fish. So having popcorn without butter is just something that cannot happen. What is the best way to melt butter, over the stove or in the microwave? I think the microwave would be faster but I think the stove would do a better job and there would be less chance of making a mess.

The Chief tells me she tried to use the microwave. We also have a popcorn butter sprayer. You melt butter and then put it into the sprayer. It will then mist the butter onto your popcorn, distributing it much more evenly than just pouring it on. The Chief said there was a bit of a problem with the butter melting in the microwave. She had to clean the microwave, which is something she dislikes, as it involves cleaning.

I get home and find this in the kitchen sink.

Click to zoom in if you want...

We had to go to a movie today, because she wanted real popcorn with movie theater butter...


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