Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sick Chiefs and Vegetable Gardens

The Chief has been sick this week and she is finally feeling better. In fact I can tell she is feeling better because she said it is hot in the house. We have air conditioning and the normal temperature setting is 78°F. Since she was sick and sitting under a blanket on the couch all week I turned the temperature up to 80°F and didn't tell her.

Friday she tells me it is hot in the house. The conversation goes like this:

Me: "I turned the heat up because you were cold."

Chief: "I didn't know you did that."

Me: "I didn't tell you because it wasn't important. I adjust things randomly based on your mood."

The Chief found this to be really funny.

Fast forward to Saturday. The medicine she is taking is making her a little unstable in the walking department. She tells me she feels like she is swaying back and forth. She is not (at least her butt is not... 'cause that's what I'm watching when she is walking in front of me).

Anyway, one of her friends was having a baby shower at 2:00 in a neighboring town. She didn't feel comfortable driving until she better understands what the medicine is going to do. I dropped her off at the shower and went to eat lunch and read a magazine.

The Chief is feeling much better. When I picked her up from the baby shower about 2 and a half hours later she informed me she was hungry. Now comes the difficult part. Since she is not feeling the best, what are we going to eat? Are we going to a restaurant or going to make something at home. We will of course adjust this randomly based on her mood... We decided to go to Zoup. It is good. She got a chicken soup. I can definitely tell that she is feeling better... and I can also tell when she has eaten enough because she starts being very picky.

The Chief says, "No more peas."

Then about 30 seconds later I see this:

Peas are not on the same list as broccoli. She will eat peas especially if they are in soup or casserole and not in a high concentration. Here is a list of Chief rated vegetables:

Broccoli - Vile Weed

Cauliflower - Broccoli's albino cousin

Peas (not in soup) - only good for flipping with a plastic spoon

Cooked carrots - Orange mush

Asparagus - can be used as a weapon to whack people across the head

Tomatoes - Ammo against road rage

Celery - non-edible peanut butter spoon

Mushrooms - rotten fungus - "they grow in poo, seriously come on..."

Artichokes - "Cactus flowers, those look like they will stick me... No."

Beets - She hasn't really tried beets so she doesn't have an opinion

Turnips - See beets

Onions - "They make you fart big time."

Sauerkraut - "Who eats cabbage that has been sitting in a kitchen rotting for 3 months?"

Spinach - "Quiche Lorraine is not a pie crust full of spinach. This is spinach quiche and it sucks!" (this was a translation of an argument the Chief got into with a waiter at a cafe in Paris, France when she did not get what she ordered).

Lettuce - the paper thin covering used for lining a salad bowl - copious amounts of dressing required for consumption along with ham, bacon, La Choy noodles, cheese, and hard boiled egg, with extra cheese.

Cucumber - only good for pickling and deep frying - in that order only, with copious amounts of ranch dressing

Zucchini - "Too green, unnaturally green."

We have a garden with peppers, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini. The Chief will eat none of it. She will pick them when they are ripe. I guess that is something.


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