Thursday, August 18, 2011

Supreme Batass

One of my favorite movies is The Dark Knight. It is excellent, I believe better than the first in the series. I really liked Batman Begins, except for the flaw in the physics with the main weapon of destruction. Seriously, where did it get it's power supply? Why did it not vaporize the humans surrounding it? But anyway, I digress.

Now, on to something completely different...

During the summer of 2009 I was injured and could not run or cycle. This was especially difficult since the weather was very nice and I could not go outside and enjoy it in my normal fashion. During the summer the Chief and I went to a wedding in Seattle, Washington. Everyone runs or cycles there. It was very difficult to sit in the park and watch people run and pedal by while I was not allowed to even lace up my running shoes.

I went 6 months without running, I think this was my longest hiatus since... I can't even remember when I have went that long without running.

When I was injured and not allowed to run or bike all that I could do is swim and let my leg heal. One other thing I did was to borrow a car from my parents for everyday driving. All of the Chief and I's cars are manual transmissions and since my injury was to my left leg, I borrowed a car with an automatic transmission. As a result my car, the Mitsubishi Eclipse, sat idle for 6 months with only an occasional start and drive around the block.

When I returned the car to my parents, there were some problems with my car. I had replaced the battery in the car before I was injured but this new battery was still dead. It would not hold a charge and was replaced under warranty. The next thing that went wrong was the cable that connects to the negative terminal on the battery. It was extremely corroded and was not making a good connection to ground. So, no starting the car... I had that fixed at our local Mitsubishi dealer. When I drove the car home, it died every time I took my foot off the accelerator. I drove back to the dealer and they adjusted the idle control. No problems since then.

A few weeks ago I noticed that the leather seat on the passenger side has a tear. I would also estimate that 95% of the time, if there is a passenger with me it is the Chief. Which leads me to believe that the Chief's butt is responsible for the tear. (In a normal world this is unlikely since she weighs 120 pounds soaking wet)

You be the judge of weather the Chief's butt is responsible for the tear. Exhibit 1: the seat.

A close up on the tear...

And finally for a final comparison... the Chief's ass:



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