Saturday, December 10, 2011

London Dining

The food in London is definitely different than the United States. One of the biggest differences that I found is that the Londoners really like things baked into pies. There are many different varieties and since we were in a foreign country, we try to eat like the locals. We ate pie. I had a very good steak and ale pie. The Chief had a couple similar to the steak and ale and she also had a seafood pie with salmon and other assorted seafood. It was also very good.

The Chief also discovered that she likes the British cider - as opposed to beer. She detests beer in nearly all circumstances. She will occasionally get a bottle of Rolling Rock and drink half of it... but she liked the cider. Here is the proof:

She actually finished the entire drink. We will look for some of that when we are back in the US. Another comment about the beer is the carbonation level. There seems to be much less carbonation in the beer in the UK versus the USA. I have to say that I like the beer with less carbonation. It seems to make it much smoother. I think that was because the beer on tap was not under pressure in a keg like here. The method for serving up a beer is by using a hand pump. It takes a little longer but the results are better.

We had Indian food one evening and it was very good. There we got to partake in the bounty that is Cobra beer. Since it was in an Indian restaurant, it is only fitting to drink an Indian beer.

I don't know a lot about Indian cuisine. I don't claim to know a lot about coffee either. In one of my summer jobs I worked at a grocery store and a trucking company. I had the lowest seniority in both places so therefore I got the job of cleaning the restrooms. Therefore, I have learned a thing or two about floaters.

I have at least learned enough to know that I don't want floaters in my coffee.


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