Saturday, April 16, 2011

First Degree Burns and the Attack of the Shower Curtain

Korea is a country of smokers, plain and simple. I am not sure about the women but I think all the men at the company I am visiting smoke except for two. Two out of 55 is not very good odds. Needless to say, the hotel we are staying in does not have any non-smoking rooms. I was initially scared that my room would smell like an ash tray. It does not smell bad and for the first 3 days I did not notice the smoke at all.

This morning I woke up and went into the bathroom to put my contact lenses in before my morning run. I smelled a little smoke for the first time. I didn’t think anything about it. I went for my run which consisted of 4 miles in 40°F weather wearing shorts and a long sleeved shirt with a short sleeved shirt over top. I did not pack running pants because I thought I would be able to use a treadmill at the gym…

I returned to my room about 35 minutes after I left and went into the bathroom to strip down so I did not sweat too much while I stretched. I think I walked into the smoking room in Atlanta’s International airport. Every vent on adjacent rooms must dump into my bathroom. I think I smoked at least a pack of cigarettes second hand during my shower and morning grumpy. 

Since Koreans, like the Japanese, enjoy hot baths, the water at this hotel is extremely hot.

This is the faucet and you will notice the hot (left side) and cold water lines (right side) come out of the wall and mix before being unleashed on unsuspecting bathers. I have the water temperature set so it is about 55% hot water and 45% cold water. This is a pretty good mix for me because I like hot showers after a cold outdoor run. The water steams at this temperature setting. This particular morning I reached down with my left hand instead of my right hand to trigger the water to go from the tub to the shower. In the process I touched the hot water side next to where the line comes out of the wall. I will not do it again. I think I am going to have a blister on the end of my little finger. 

When I got into the shower today I noticed that something was different. I was being attacked by the shower curtain. I am not sure why. I get out of the shower and close the door to the bathroom thinking maybe there is a breeze from the open window in the bedroom. It did not help the situation. The maid moved the shower curtain rod to an unexpected place, nearly in the middle of the shower as opposed to the outside edge of the shower. Here is a quick diagram.

I don’t like the shower curtain touching me, especially in a hotel. I love the Hampton Inn showers with the shower rod that curves away from the tub/shower to prevent bather contact. They are great. I'm not sure why the housekeeper moved the shower curtain. It was correct the yesterday. I think it is because I hung my towel from the shower curtain. Since it is a spring loaded shower curtain rod I think when the housekeeper pulled the towel down the entire shower curtain came down with the towel. 

For your viewing enjoyment here is a picture of the bar across the street from the hotel.

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