Tuesday, April 26, 2011

More Pictures in Korean

Here are some more, with my comments (of course they are my comments... I'm writing it). These are from the same parks we visited on Sunday.

Here is a camera man and a director making what will likely be a very poor movie of the construction next to the park.

I don't know what this is.

I just like this picture.

This looks like a very happy place. The only problem is that it was closed during our visit. 

Here is another picture from the dam near Chunju.

This is a Korean BBQ. If you have a chance to visit one I highly recommend it. In this case a tub of glowing charcoal was placed in the center fixture on the table. A grate was placed over it and marinated raw meat was brought out. You are responsible for cooking the meat but if you don't know what you are doing, the restaurant staff will assist. The meal is traditional Korean style with many small community dishes. 

One last picture for now. 

It appears Korean's cannot drive any better than Americans.

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